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Sunday, November 25, 2007
8:33 PM

HEY ! WENDY JIIES ! i update-ED horhhs ! LOL . i duno wad to update leihhs . gimme some suggestions luhhs ! LOL . sho sien norhhs ! haii yo ! bored is wad i can use to describe my hols ! HAHS ! haiish gimme some suggestions den i update ba ! :DD cyarhhs ! x3 eu guys !

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


Tuesday, November 6, 2007
11:34 AM

arlows~ hmm.. ii was readiin aus blog nn ii realiise-ED smt, nn ii learn-ED smt. nn ii tiink ii would feel better iif ii riite iit iin diis dear blog of miine. REGRET iis sometiing dat most of us experiience. but.. iis iit possiible nort to experiience REGRET? iis iit possiible dat we, humans wun do anytiing rong? ii dun tiink so. wad we cann do iis to miiniimiise de REGRET dat we experiience. but cann all of us do dat? ii duno tiink so. "wad done cant be undone." dats wad my mother always tel mii nn iits totally true. iif eu tiink just sayiin sorry nn treatiin dat nt happen-ED will make one forgiive eu, ure rong. liife nv work lyk dat. iit nv nn iit wiil nort ever bb lyk dat. how ii feel lyk turniin back de clock, turniin iit back to a tym when ii haven met eu, or rather, nvr ever wantiin to meet eu. coz ever siince ii met eu, myy lyf iis full of unhappiiyyness(sometiing ii rather nort experiience). but some says "to be able to cope wiif ur unhappiiyyness may bb de greatest key to a longtym of happiiyyness." iiziit true? ii reallii duno. all ii can say iis dat. ii am realii tiired realii tiired. ii dun wana contiinue wiif diis battle anymore. ii dun wan! ii just wan myy normal- going lyf back, whr ii hav nvr ever met eu. ii'm tiired.. realii tiired.. please.. leave mii alone.. ii tot ii can forget eu, but ii cant. please, let take heal all wound. ii realii dun ever wana c eu agaiin. realii. buhbuaiis. ii wun forget de happiiy tyms we had, but ii oso wun forget de sadd nn unhappiiy tym we had. sorry nn goodbye. T_T

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


Monday, November 5, 2007
11:06 AM

yoshh!! update-ED update-ED!! weeeee~ LOL.. hmm~ hols fiinally here.. BUT whyiie dun ii feel happiiyy? haiish ii oso duno whyiie.. mayb coz 有事我放不下吗? 可能是吧.我也不知道.只希望所有事能快快过去!! ii wan de happiiyy go lucky mii back ASAP!! LOL! mayb tiis iis just part of growin up ba.. ii realii realii duno lehhs. ii just hope iit just PASS PASS PASS!! ii wan de normal happiiyy mii agaiin!! wahahahas. oh ya. ytd ii went amk hub thr den saw many many eariings!! yeahhs!! ii fiinally can buy dem lerhhs! coz i piierce-ED myye ear! LOL! ii cant beliieve iit wasnt realii paiin at all! LOL! so so happiiyy!LOL! anyway! kayys luhhs. nth to riite lerhhs! LOL! tatas! muackiies! <33 BTW iif thr iis any gatheriin, iinform mii iin adv kayys? thx thx! :DD weeeeee~ buhbuaiis(: *kaiyan_dionisGONE!* wahahas!

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -