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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
7:49 AM

hiie. ehhs jux to let eu all noe horrs. i carnt use the com now coz my mum dun wan mii use. she wan mii study larhhs. so i gota jiia yous lorhhs. okays larhhs. i gtg lerhhs. today gort robotic competition larhhs. so gota go larhhs. c yarhhs. buhbuaiis

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


Sunday, May 27, 2007
12:11 PM

heyys. decided to post again. hmm. whr did ii stop ytd?? oh yarhhs. wen fen. hmms. ii find her a rweali nice gerl. she is rweali rweali cheerful n happi go lucky. n she is oso reliable n is a person who ii can share my probs wif. ii find her rweali nice n reliable. she trys n comfort mii when ii m feelin down n ii rweali appreciate it. thankYOU! ii noe, rcently she has some probs n i wana tel her, thr is nth dt carnt b solved. ii m glad she hav solved the probs(ii tink). WENfenRAWKS!! hahas.

oh yarhhs. abt the 30th mayy ting... if no one pei eu, feel free to find mii barhhs. ii told eu ii wil pei eu if the rest go to the geog tingy rwite?? lols. STAYhappiKKAY? lols. wen fen told mii ytd, when ii was feelin kinda down, she said dat ii feel beta afta tokin to her n YARHHS i agree. seriously ii gort no idea whyye ii feel beta afta tokin to eu. mayb coz ii feel dat myye secret is safe wif eu barhhs. THANKyouWENfen!! IIlurveYOU!! hahas. rweali rweali gratful to eu. n... if eu gort any probs n are willin to share wif mii, ii wil lways b glad to listen kayy? lols. n ii belive in 1 ting. nothingISimpossible!!

to anyone hu reads myye blog: everyting can b solved. it is whether eu wana face it or eu wana run away. ii use to run away bud, ii m determined to face any probs dat come in myye way, be it studies, fwends or class or sku probs. ii will face it n solve it. euSHOULDtoo. jiaYOUS!! euCANdoITderhhs.


# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


whoa. ii finally noe hu spammed myye blog. she tod ii spamed herr blog too lorhhs. ii so DID NOT. she kip sayin ii c her bu shuang tis n dat. when did ii sia?? she say ii steal herr fwends?? does she noe wad herr fwends tink in de first place nort?? duno den dun nyhow spamm mii n say ii steal ur fwends larhhs. DORTS.

eu tink onli eu REN mehhs. ii oso REN veri long liao lo. lao hu bu fa hui, ni dang wo shi shen me?? eu tink eu can kip sayin n sayin izit?? pls larhhs. hu wana steal ur fwends? TINK. do dey be long to eu in de first place nort?? NO LORHHS. pls larhhs. tink of how ppl feel larhhs. eu pangseh dem den say ii steal dem frm eu?? dat lyk so mei dao li lorhhs. reflect on urself first b4 eu comment can?? dun make urself diu lian larhhs. DORRRRRRTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSS.

okkayy, nvm dat. hmm. wen fen ask mii to blog bout herr. let mii tink. ahhs yarhhs. ii gort smt to say to eu, wen fen, GLAD EU ARE ALRIGHTS!! hope to c de cheerful wen fen again!! hahas. okkay larhhs. gots slp le. will blog more bout eu, wen fen. SMILES. nites!! buhbuaiis bloggie.

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


Tuesday, May 22, 2007
1:11 PM

Whoa... is spammin sho fun harr? ii mean... if eu nort hapi wif mii den say lorhhs. spammin is jus showin how low-class eu are... ii duno hu did dat, bud, ii noe dat SPAMMIN is one ting ii wil nv eva spam lorhhs. sho... if dat person tink ii would spam hiis or herr blog, ii m sowri tu say, bud i did n wil nort. yeapps. dun misunderstand mii. ii seriously duno hu eu are. bud if eu reali tink i did smt rong, den, SOWRI LORHHS... whether eu accept myye apologies or nort, if eu are ngry, scold mii or wadeva, dun vent ur nger on myye blog coz myye blog did nort do aniting towards eu. yeahhs. ii duno wad eu gort against mii bud, if eu wan mii to apologise, fine, ii m now apologisin tu hu eva eu are. SOWRI.

okayy. nvm de spamin stuff. ii jus came back frm genting n ii tink it is quite fun barhhs. at least it is a timely holiday. ii could get away wif all stress for bout 2 dayys n ii tink it is quite nice barhhs. yeapps. aniways, ii m gona change myye blog skin lerhhs. find it kinda borin n emo now. lols. ii decided on a skin which is nort so emo barhhs. yeapps. heys... hols are comin! enjoy ppl!! seriously, ii dun tink ii wil enjoy it coz ii did so badly 4 myye EXAMS!! haiis. sadded. =x c yarhhs. buhbuaiis.. http://www.blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=136231&action=Preview

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -