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Thursday, March 15, 2007
11:13 PM

ytd when tu the farewell patry fer Austin... its was a veri enjoyable one... but also a veri saddenin one... i tink i m reali gona miss Austin... he is a reali reali nice fren de worrx... haix... i duno wad tu say but all i can say now is... good luck Austin... dun 4get us coz we will nv 4get euu... n i will remember wad euu told miie ytd... i guess euu are rite lahx... euu will nt b in singapore anymore but euu will always remain in my heart as my good fren... my good brother... i m reali gona miss ya Austin... FRENX 4EVA!! hope tu c euu again... dun 4 get tu keep in contact de worrx... WE LURVE EUU!! n WE WILL MISS EUU!!! pls pls dun 4get us... erms... i will try n put the pic we took ytd ASAP!! coz dun reali hav time now... sorry... buaiix n good luck fer ur future Austin... n buaiix bloggie...

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


Wednesday, March 7, 2007
7:07 PM

h3y!! 3rms... nt r3alii iin da mood tiis f3w days... mayb ii diid som3tiing realii rong tt ii m losiin som3 ppl hu ar3 realii iimportant tu miie... mayb ii m juz too s3lfiish... ii realii duno... all ii can t3ll my fr3ns iis tt... ii m sorry... especiially jia ying n wan jie... ii m realii sorry 4 wad ii diid...(3uu shld no3 wad ii m tokiin bout rit3??) ii sw3ar ii wont do iit agaiin... dun g3t angry... r3alii sorry iif 3uu ar3 angry wiif mii3... duii bu qii... but c3rtaiin tiings r3alii hurt mii3 alot... n i m sur3 euu two no3 wad iit iis 3sp3ciially jia ying... sorry 4 wad ii diid... ii wont do iit agaiin i sw3ar... b3lii3v3 mii3 th3 last tiim3 pls... ii m sorry... mayb wad ii tot was iimportant was nt tt iimportant as ii tot iit was... sorry n forgiiv3 mii3... 3rms hop3 3uu 4giiv mii3... haiix... buaii bloggiie...

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -