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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
3:49 PM

h3y h3y!! now ii m at sku d3 sci3nc3 lab 5... now gt ciisco... hav3n start3d y3t coz ch3r now h3lpiin s3niors do smt... so now ii m at my d3ar3st bloggii3..xD anyways today also nt much lahx... haiix... tmr gt hiis t3st siia... duno how siia... lata muz go hom3 study study study!!! llollx good luck tu all ya... buaii bloggii3...

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


Sunday, January 28, 2007
11:22 AM

h3y ya... today wak3 up us3 com liiao... ytd us3 com till 3am th3n today 10am wak3 up liiaos.. th3n wak3 up us3 com... aii ya.. w33k3nds ar3 boriin lahhx... sku days rawkx... haiix... nth tu say liiao... lata iif gt tim3 th3n blog agaiin... buaii bloggii3... xD

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


h3y ya.. today also nt much lo... so siian... aii ya... ii can onlii updat3 duriin w33k3ndx... so th3 post shld b long bahx.. anyways nth say coz nth much happ3n today... so ya... so siigniin off... hav a nic3 day... buaii bloggii3...

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


Friday, January 26, 2007
11:32 PM

h3y!! today liike sho boriin lo... actually gort g3og t3st d3 budd3n ms osman 4gort th3n say nxt w33k th3n nobody car3 tu t3ll h3r tt suppos3 b today d3... h3ng ar... coz ii l3ft the book und3r tabl3 th3n nv study... th3n h3ng cher 4gort iif nt comfiirm faiil agaiin d3 lo... i nv pass3d g3og lo... iif tiis tiim3 can pass horx ii muz b sho lucky lo... th3n today liit sho funny... th3 ch3r haiir partiin sho funny lo... th3n hiis actiions sho funny... th3n all of us k33p laughiin... hahax... then afta tt stay3d back at sku 4 the maths thiingy... ii gt 3rd 4 th3 comp3tiitiion thiingy lo... sho sad lo... haiix... ting xuan sho smart... 2nd place... err... duno hu 1st... th3n afta tt i w3nt hom3... th3n do hom3work... blah blah blah... all thos3 normal stuff then w3nt out wiif famiily... haiix... juz an ordiinary day lahx... y3ah... n tiis is th3 lyrics tu y3 qu... 3njoy... buaii bloggii3...
xiang xiao lai wei zhuang diao xia de yan lei
Want to laugh to disguise the tears that’s flowing
点点头承认自己会怕黑 d
ian dian tou cheng ren zi ji hui pa hei
Nod my head to admit that I’m afraid of the dark
我只求 能借一点的时间来陪
wo zhi qiu neng jie yi dian de shi jian lai pei
I only wish that you can spare some time for me
ni que lian tong qing dou bu gei
But you don’t even give me the slightest sympathy
想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没 是
xiang ku lai shi tan zi ji ma bi le mei
Want to cry to see if I’m dead with out emotion yet
全世界 好象只有我疲惫
quan shi jie hao xiang zhi you wo pi bei
It’s like in the whole world I’m the only one who’s exhausted
无所无所谓 反正难过就敷衍走一回
wu suo wei fan zheng nan guo jiu fu yan zou yi hui
Doesn’t matter, because even if I’m down I can ignore my senses and just get it over and done with
dan yuan jue wang he wu nai yuan zou gao fei
Just wish that desperation will go awayChorus
天灰灰 会不会
tian hui hui hui bu hui
The sky is gray
rang wo wang le ni shi shui
Will it make me forget who you are?
夜越黑 梦违背 难追难回味
ye yue hei meng wei bei nan zhui nan hui wei
The darker the night, the more misbehaving my dreams, hard to remember and ponder about them
我的世界 将被摧毁 也许事与愿违 (也许事与愿违)
wo de shi jie jiang bei cui hui ye xu shi yu yuan wei (repeat line)
My world is just about to be destroyed, maybe fate is against will
累不累 睡不睡 单影无人相依偎
lei bu lei shui bu shui dan ying wu ren xiang yi wei Tired or not, want to sleep?
Alone and nobody to pair up and snuggle with
夜越黑 梦违背 有谁肯安慰
ye yue hei meng wei bei you shui ken an wei
The darker the night, the more misbehaving my dreams, who is there to comfort me?
wo de shi jie jiang bei cui hui
My world is about to be destroyed
ye xu tui fei ye shi…
Maybe being blue is…
Verse 2
想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没
xiang ku lai shi tan zi ji ma bi le mei
Want to cry to see if I’m dead with out emotion yet
全世界 好象只有我疲惫
quan shi jie hao xiang zhi you wo pi bei
It’s like in the whole world I’m the only one who’s exhausted
无所无所谓 反正难过就敷衍走一回
wu suo wu suo wei fan zheng nan guo jiu fu yan zou yi hui
Doesn’t matter, because even if I’m down I can ignore my senses and just get it over and done with
dan yuan jue wang he wu nai yuan zou gao fei
Just wish that desperation will go awayChorus
天灰灰 会不会
tian hui hui hui bu hui
The sky is gray
rang wo wang le ni shi shui
Will it make me forget who you are?
夜越黑 梦违背 难追难回味
ye yue hei meng wei bei nan zhui nan hui wei
The darker the night, the more misbehaving my dreams, hard to remember and ponder about them
我的世界将被摧毁 也许事与愿违
wo de shi jie jiang bei cui hui ye xu shi yu yuan wei
My world is just about to be destroyed, maybe fate is against will
累不累 睡不睡 单影无人相依偎
lei bu lei shui bu shui dan ying wu reng xiang yi wei Tired or not, want to sleep?
Alone and nobody to pair up and snuggle with
夜越黑 梦违背 难追难回味
ye yue hei meng wei bei nan zhui nan hui wei
The darker the night, the more misbehaving my dreams, who is there to comfort me?
wo de shi jie jiang be cui hui
My world is about to be destroyed
也许颓废也是 ~ 另一种美
ye xu tui fei ye shi ~ ling yi zhong mei
Maybe being blue is ~ another sort of beauty

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -


Thursday, January 25, 2007
5:21 PM

h3y!! fiinally cr3at3d n3w blog l3r w0rrs... hmm... tiis y3ar 2F can sa3 nt bad bahx... but... miissiin all th3 13iians sho much w0rr... how r 3uu guys ar? hop3 all s3ttled down liiao w0rr... tiis ye qu is a verii niic3 song w0rr... actually ii want3d bai s3 f3ng ch3 but... iits alr3ady us3d by on3 of my fr3n l3rx... iits ok... tiis song iis niice too... XD w3ll tts all 4 my fiirst 3ntry... buaii bloggii3...
tian kong hui de xiang ku guo
The sky is so gray that it looks like it just cried
li kai ni yi hou
After leaving you
bing mei you gen zi you
(I) did not regain more freedom
suan suan de kong qi
(From) the air
xiu chu wo men de ju li
(I) smelt our distance
yi mu zui xin de jie ju
A heart breaking ending
xiang hu xi ban wu fa ting xi
is continuous just like breathing
chou ti fan huang de ri ji
The yellowing diary lied in the drawer
zha gan le hui yi
(had) pressed dried [our] memories
na xiao rong shi xia ji
That smile is summer
ni wo de guo qu
Our past
bei shun shi zhen de wang ji
Has been forgotten as time goes by
que yang guo hou de ai qing
Love after anoxia (lack of oxygen)
cu xin de yan lei shi duo yu
Careless tears are unnecessary
wo zhi dao ni wo dou mei you cuo
I know that the fault is not in either one of us
zhi shi wang le ze me tui hou
We just forgot how to step back
xin shi dan dan gei le cheng nuo
We made promises to each other with confidence
que bei shi jian pu le kong
Yet it has been emptied by time
wo zhi dao wo men dou mei you cuo
I know that the fault is not in either one of us
zhi shi fang shou hui bi jiao hao guo
It’s just that letting go would make things easier
zui mei de ai qing hui yi li dai xu
The most beautiful love is to be continued in [my] memory

# itt.isshh.aa.drreamm.ii.will.neverr.wakke.upp.frrom. &&itt.isshh.moii.wishhful.tiinkkiin.*hwearrtbrrokenn**shatterredintopieces*; -